Infographics maps created for The History of English Podcast.
I listen to a lot of podcasts, I did a degree in information design and I did A level history, history has always been a passion.
So when I began listening to The History of English Podcast, I got in contact with the author, Kevin Stroud, and offered my services, as he mentioned links to maps on his podcast website. This work is done for free, after all, the author is putting in his time for free, and I just wanted to create beautiful information maps for his podcast.
Since beginning to provide maps for the History of English podcast I have received numerous requests from teachers and academics for permission to use my maps. Of course, I give permission to use these educational tools free of charge, spreading knowledge is my prime goal.
Please get in contact if you want to use any of my maps, I will give you permission.
It’s a labour of love, and I am just including it here to show that I can do information graphics, and there is a use for reading history after all. The base terrain maps are from naturalearthdata.com – an open source project, so no rights issues. A thank you to them for providing the source images for the podcast maps.